首页 电视剧 新夏威夷神探第五季


Filming is underway on series four of critically acclaimed ITV1 detective drama, Grace, starring John Simm as Detective Superintendent Roy Grace and based on the best selling novels from globally renowned author, Peter James.   Set in Brighton, Grace also sees returning cast members Richie Campbell (Top Boy, Stephen) as DS Glenn Branson, Zoë Tapper (Liar) as Cleo Morey, Craig Parkinson (Line of Duty) as DS Norman Potting, Laura Elphinstone (Chernobyl) as DS Bella Moy, Brad Morrison (Dinosaur) as DC Nick Nicholl and Sam Hoare (The Capture) as ACC Cassian Pewe.   This series will also feature renowned TV and theatre actor, Robert Glenister (Sherwood, Hustle).   Commented John Simm:   “I’m so pleased to be back on set, filming series four of Grace. Four of Peter James’ Roy Grace novels are being adapted for this series and Grace fans will be pleased to know the stories are as dark as ever with lots of twists and turns.”   Commissioned by ITV’s Head of Drama, Polly Hill, and Drama Commissioner, Huw Kennair Jones, the new series comprises four feature length films (4 x 120 mins) based on Peter James’s novels. Huw Kennair Jones will oversee production from ITV’s perspective.   Viewing figures for series three have so far averaged over 5.6m per episode, an increase on series two, with the first episode consolidating at 6.7m.   Commented Huw Kennair Jones:   “We're thrilled to be making another series of Grace. John and the team continue to bring Peter's brilliant characters and stories to life in such an exciting way. It's also great to be working with Tall Story and Vaudeville Productions again as we head back to Brighton for four brand new cases.”   Executive Producer Patrick Schweitzer said:   “I’m delighted we are getting to adapt another four of Peter’s wonderful books for ITV and it’s great to have the cast and crew back together filming in Brighton.”   Author Peter James said:   “As a writer, the chance to have such a phenomenal and collaborative cast and crew to bring my novels to life continues to be a dream come true. Audiences have so generously embraced the series with such enthusiasm and I cannot wait for Roy Grace fans, old and new, to see these four new episodes.”   Grace is a co-production between Tall Story Pictures, part of ITV Studios, and Vaudeville Productions. Executive producers are Patrick Schweitzer for Tall Story Pictures, and Andrew O'Connor and Paul Sandler for Vaudeville Productions, Kiaran Murray-Smith and Peter James. International distribution is handled by ITV Studios.   Writers for this series are Ed Whitmore for episode one, Ben Court and Caroline Ip for episode two, Tony Marchant for episode three and Jess Williams for episode four.   Brian Kelly will direct episode one, Billie Eltringham directs episode two and Kiaran Murray-Smith is also the series producer.   The first film in the new series is called Dead Man’s Time. A vicious robbery at a secluded Brighton home, draws Grace and Branson into a puzzling enquiry when thousands of pounds worth of beautiful antiques are stolen from the house. As Grace digs deeper into this mysterious crime, he unearths a web of ancient grudges - a web which leads him down a dark, murderous trail through the world of Brighton antiques, in a race against the clock, to untangle who is at the heart of this robbery, and bring Gavin Daly the answers he has been desperately chasing for many years.   In episode two, Want You Dead, Grace and Branson investigate a case where nothing is truly as it first appears. When an unidentified victim is found dead in curious circumstances, the post mortem reveals more questions than it does answers. As Grace works to identify the body, hoping this might provide some crucial clue as to the killer’s motive, he soon has another death on his hands when a second victim shows up in central Brighton, discovered in similarly bizarre circumstances.   You Are Dead is episode three in which Grace and Branson are thrown into what is possibly their most disturbing and high-profile case yet, when an unsettling discovery of skeletal remains is unearthed by workmen digging up a path in central Brighton. Meanwhile, across the city that same morning, a victim is snatched in broad daylight. With no witnesses and no sign of who took her, Grace starts to suspect whether the victim’s fiancé is lying to the police.   The final episode in the series is Love You Dead. When a known Brighton burglar is found dead in his car, in gruesome circumstances, his wife claims that he had turned over a new leaf, but all the evidence points to the fact the victim may still have been up to his old tricks and was breaking and entering on the night he was killed. As Grace and the team work to hone in on the circumstances leading to the victim’s death, Roy receives a call from a US police contact about a crime abroad which bears the hallmarks of a mafia hit. The police are keen to trace a woman they believe to be from Brighton, who could be in danger. As Roy scours the city to help find her, it becomes apparent he isn’t the only one looking for this mysterious woman.
走出简单历史复述的《曼哈顿计划》是2014年度最佳新剧。——《新闻周刊》Daily Beast   《曼哈顿计划》复杂、引人入胜、启迪心智。——Uproox   《曼哈顿计划》俨然又一部绝佳的经典之作,正如七年前《广告狂人》将AMC带入新纪元一样,如今的《曼哈顿计划》亦能为WG N掀开新的一章。——《圣路易斯邮报》   野心之作马力全开的序曲。——《娱乐周刊》   《曼哈顿计划》非常、非常出色。——《福布斯》   全美传媒和评论界一致激赞的2014年年度最佳新剧《曼哈顿计划》是WGN AMERICA继《塞勒姆》后出品的第二部电视影集。由艾美奖 及金球奖提名作品《性爱大师》编剧Sam Shaw企划、编剧并担任监制,连续四年艾美奖最佳影集《白宫风云》的艾美奖获奖导演Thomas Schlamme担任该剧的制作和导演工作。   上个世纪4 0年代初,美国在新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯秘密进行了世界上第一颗原子弹的研制。本剧聚焦投身于这场科学研究中的科学家们——他们才华横溢,却也遍身缺陷。除了要与时间竞赛,还要艰难地在秘密、谎言 和他们身后脆弱的家庭关系间寻找平衡。   John Benjamin Hickey扮演主人公Frank Winter,一个才华横溢但是有自毁倾向的物理教授,他奉命主导曼哈顿计划的研发。这项绝密任务不仅将危及他的家庭,还将伤及他的心智。Ashley Zukerman扮演Charlie Abrams,一个聪明绝顶的年轻人,自认为是一个「整天和数字打交道的人」。他的智商高达180,而且很有幽默感。Daniel Stern扮演心理顾问Glen Babbit,负责为参与曼哈顿计划的年轻物理学家们提供心理辅导。他利用自己的智慧和机智小心穿梭于洛斯阿拉莫斯的政治雷区。Rachel Brosnahan扮演来自波士顿的女孩Abby Abrams,她一时冲动同意和丈夫Charlie Abrams来到一个几乎「前不着村后不着店」的地方,但很快意识到这里的生活非常艰难。Harry Lloyd扮演野心勃勃的牛津大学毕业生、物理学家Paul Crosley。当他意识到自己将建造世界上第一颗原子弹时,他对工作的忠诚开始动摇。Katja Herbers扮演Frank Winter教授实验团队的成员Helen Price,是极少数参与曼哈顿计划的女性科学家之一。Christopher Denham扮演物理天才Jim Meeks,应邀加入研制原子弹的绝密项目,是Frank Winter教授实验团队的成员之一。Olivia Williams扮演天才植物学家Liza Winter,有一段非常复杂的历史。她陪伴丈夫Frank Winter(John Benjamin Hickey)来到洛斯阿拉莫斯生活,但她很快发觉这座城市周围的环境出现了异常变化。Alexia Fast扮演Frank和Liza的女儿Callie,虽然只有16岁但非常世故,说话尖酸刻薄。Frank因为工作的缘故三天两头不在家,而且每次都是「神秘消失」,Callie对此充满抱怨。David Harbour扮演多集角色Reed Akley,是洛斯阿拉莫斯最有名的「金童」,领导着超过600名科学家组成的庞大团队。Michael Chernus扮演Frank团队中的科学家Louis “Fritz” Fedowitz。Carole Weyers扮演在洛斯阿拉莫斯工作的电话接线员Elodie,是个法国人。Daniel London扮演曼哈顿计划的主导者、著名理论物理学家奥本海默(Oppenheimer),他当时是洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室主任。   《曼哈顿计划》将于2014年7月27日星期天在WGN AMERICA首播。